San Juan, Puerto Rico

Welcome to San Juan, Puerto Rico!!!

Fact: Puerto Rico is one of the Greater Antilles, in the Carribean. San Juan is the capital.

Fact: All you need is a driver’s license or government issued ID if you live in the US because it is US territory.

Pictures: My hotel, top right. Walked over the overpass to get to the gym and the Denny’s. Starbucks is right next to our hotel.


Fact: Official languages are English and Spanish.

Personal Experience: Spanish is the most common language. I was in the tourist area so most people I encountered and dealt with in the city spoke at least some level of English. I understand a little Spanish myself so we met each other halfway.

Picture: view from my window

Picture: our beach, at the hotel.


Picture: our view from the beach.


To the right

Picture: from the patio



Picture: Beachfront wedding while we were on the patio


Pictures from the balcony, on our floor.

Picture: The hotel pool, right below us.

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